Our Action on Climate Change

LX Pantos is a total logistics company that fulfills its social responsibility through transparent and
systematic sustainability management activities.

LX Pantos is actively striving to minimize the climate and environmental impact throughout the entire logistics process for its customers.

LX Pantos is implementing and expanding activities to achieve its 2050 Net-Zero target in accordance with its carbon neutrality roadmap.

Greenhouse Gas
Reduction Roadmap
Mid- to Long-Term Reduction Targets

In accordance with the NDC1) target for 2050, LX Pantos has established its 2050 Net-Zero target, reflecting its estimated emissions and
mitigation measures. On our journey towards net-zero, the first step will be to achieve a 25% reduction compared to the levels of BAU2)
by 2030, thereby fulfilling our social responsibilities for carbon neutrality.

1) NDC (Nationally Determined Contribution) : It refers to the national greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction targets established by each country participating
in the Paris Climate Agreement, which form the basis for efforts to mitigate carbon emissions by 2030.
2) BAU :It stands for ‘Business As Usual’, and refers to the GHGs that would be emitted in the absence of any mitigation efforts.
BAU(Business As Usual)
Emission Target
[Unit : tCO2-eq]
100% of
Detailed Reduction Measures by Period

As part of the efforts to achieve its 2050 Net-Zero target, LX Pantos has carried out a range of activities in accordance with its well-established,
time-bound action plans1) for each decade. These plans guide us towards our goal by outlining measures to curtail our energy consumption,
expand the use of renewable energy sources, and reduce our indirect GHG (Scope 3) emissions.

1) Time-bound action plan : it outlines specific actions to be taken within each time horizon
Scope 1
Transition to
modes of
  • Convert all our commercial
    vehicles to green alternatives
  • Introduce eco-friendly
    freight vehicles
    (for 1-ton or smaller ones)
  • Adopt environmentally
    friendly freight vehicles
    (for mid- to large-sized
  • Accomplish a 100%
    transition to eco-friendly
  • Upgrade our AI- and big data-based dispatch management system
  • Improve transportation efficiency and introduce relevant solutions
Scope 2
Switch to
energy use
  • Install solar power
    generation equipment
    at more logistics centers
  • Implement the PPA1)
  • Procure RECs2)
  • Begin utilizing renewable
    energy sources to power
    our logistics centers
  • Implement the PPA
  • Procure RECs
  • Switch to using
    renewable energy
    at our logistics centers
  • Expand the use of PPAs
  • Increase the proportion
    of RECs purchased
  • Improve energy efficiency
    in our buildings
  • Adopt environmentally
    friendly freight vehicles
    (for mid- to large-sized
  • Transition to AI- and
    big data-based
    smart buildings
Scope 3
Support to
  • Help our customers achieve net-zero emissions in the transportation sector’s Scope 3 by 2050
1) PPA : It stands for Power Purchase Agreement which refers to a contract that outlines the terms for the purchase and sale of electricity at mutually
agreed prices and intervals.
2) REC : It stands for Renewable Energy Certificate which is a certificate that verifies the provision of renewable energy
Greenhouse Gas
Emissions Management
Response to the Greenhouse Gas Emissions Trading Scheme and Energy Consumption Management

In 2020, LX Pantos was designated as a company subject to the Greenhouse Gas Emissions Trading Scheme. The company calculates, trades
and manages its emissions in accordance with the guidelines for reporting and certifying greenhouse gas emissions (Ministry of Environment
Notification No. 2023-221) and the 2006 IPCC guidelines. Additionally, LX Pantos systematically manages energy consumption across all
domestic business sites, including logistics centers, and performs various activities to reduce energy consumption.

Greenhouse Gas Emissions

LX Pantos’s greenhouse gas emissions in 2023 totaled 32,538 tCO2-eq, of which direct emissions (Scope 1) from freight vehicles and commercial
vehicles amounted to 22,471 tCO2-eq, accounting for 69% of total emissions. Indirect emissions (Scope 2) from the use of purchased electricity
and city gas at business sites amounted to 10,067 tCO2-eq, accounting for 31%. Furthermore, starting in 2023, to comprehensively manage and
reduce greenhouse gas emissions generated during business activities, LX Pantos identified Scope 3 categories based on business relevance
and importance and calculated the emissions. Moving forward, LX Pantos will continue to carefully analyze its environmental impact and fulfill
its social responsibility for addressing climate change through setting and implementing Scope 3 emission reduction targets.

  • Scope 122,471 tCO2-eqGHG emissions from freight
    transport/commercial vehicles
    and natural gas use
  • Scope 210,067 tCO2-eqGHG emissions from electricity
    use at logistics centers/offices
  • Scope 35,508 tCO2-eq
    Category 1 Purchased goods
    and services : 2,587 tCO2-eq
    Category 3 Fuel and energy-
    related activities : 1,747 tCO2-eq
    Category 6 Business
    travel : 1,174 tCO2-eq
GHG Emissions Monitoring, Reporting, and Verification

To calculate, monitor, and manage GHG emissions, LX Pantos has established a dedicated team to build and operate an MRV (Monitoring,
Reporting, Verification) system for GHG calculation, reporting, and verification. Additionally, the company receives third-party verification of its
GHG emissions from a government-designated verification agency annually.

GHG Reduction Activities

LX Pantos is undertaking various activities to reduce greenhouse gas emissions generated during its business processes.

  • Successfully transitioned 100% of our forklifts from diesel-powered to electric* Some freight vehicles for heavy cargo lift excluded
  • Switched to LED lighting at our logistics centers
  • Achieved an 80% ratio of eco-friendly packaging materials at logistics centers
    (Shihwa MTV Center and GC Osan Center)
  • Reviewed the switch to Electronic Bills of Landing (e-BL)
  • Joined the K-EV100, a Korean project for transitioning towards zero-emission vehicles
  • Introducing renewable energy (solar power) to logistics centers
to instill
  • Launched a range of campaigns promoting eco-friendly daily practices
    (maintaining appropriate indoor temperatures, using electronic documents,
    saving energy at business sites, and encouraging employees to suggest ideas
    related to green logistics)
  • Implemented the use of multi-use cups (reusable cups and in-house cafeterias)
  • Placed eco-friendly umbrellas, made from recycled materials, for public use
  • Switching off all office lights during lunch breaks
of eco-friendly
  • Signed MOUs with Air France-KLM and Korean Air Lines for SAF1) to mitigate
    GHGs emitted from air transport
  • Utilized ‘Eco-Delivery (Maersk)’, a service provided by domestic and
    international shipping companies that uses low-carbon fuel-powered vessels,
    in an effort to reduce the GHGs emitted from marine transport
  • Participated in the Plogging2) campaign joined by 21 organizations,
    including the Seoul Tourism Organization and the British Embassy Seoul
  • Created ‘Beautiful Forest’ in an area of Gangwon-do that was damaged by wildfire
1)Sustainable Aviation Fuel 2)The term is a compound word that combines ‘jogging’ and ‘plocka upp,’ a Swedish term that translates to ‘picking up’.
This campaign is centered around an activity where participants pick up garbage while jogging.
Green Management
  • CDP (Carbon Disclosure Project) Response

    In July 2022, LX Pantos voluntarily joined the CDP1), a global ESG rating agency. By establishing climate
    change response goals and actively pursuing detailed tasks, LX Pantos achieved a B- rating in the 2023
    CDP's first evaluation, receiving recognition for its efforts in addressing climate change.

    1)CDP (Carbon Disclosure Project) : Requests companies to disclose their climate change response status and
    related information, and publishes an annual company evaluation report with ratings assigned.
  • Excellent Green Logistics Company Certification

    By assessing the practical management scope and management system of eco-friendly logistics activities
    relating to logistics facilities and transportation methods, we have attained certification as an excellent green
    logistics company that contributes to the spread of eco-friendly logistics activities in the country.

  • ISO14001 Certification

    We constantly improve our environmental goals and comply with the global standard requirements and
    procedures related to the ISO14001 (Environmental management systems).

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